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Bye bye~
Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 11:17 AM

I went shopping with the little brother today and here are the fun pics from today~
We had some fun but he is really ridiculous...i wonder how long this can last...LOL.....

Look at my fat face....hahahhaha....ok...i'm trying i'm trying(to lose weight)~ xDD

My dreams will blossom...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 10:48 AM

OK.....it's been like ages since i blogged and i SO feel like blogging now....LOL....

Something happened last saturday.....i was on my way to the mall on the bus, when there's this guy that i thought was really cute and i think he also noticed me too. LOL....then i got off the bus and went shopping.....after i finished buying all the stuff, i went to the bus station and he's there with his uncle and aunt. After a while, he came over and asked me for my number...i'm like OMG...LOL....this cute guy is trying to get my number?! impossible! LOL....

i hesitated but in the end i still gave him my number....LOL...coz he's so cute! then i went home thinking it was an awesome day....hahahha.....Then he really did call in the afternoon and we kinda chatted....and OMG he is only 16 years old....><.....he asked me out on sunday....LOL....so i went coz i didn't have anything to do at home anyway.

So we hanged out and he was acting really gentleman even though he's only 16...LOL....then as we were waiting for the bus, he told me all about himself. he said he grew up in an environment with drugs,alcohol,killing and crime so he had to do everything by himself in an early age. And he's also not living with his parents coz he got into a fight with his dad. he has 4 tattoes( not very big) and a piercing on his lip. That's when i get all nervous coz i really don't know his intentions of getting my number and stuff like that. So after i got home, i told my roommate and my ex-roommate all about him and they all think that he is wayy too dangerous for me. ><

So i was thinking about all kinds of possibilites why he came up to me and why he's calling me every hour and why he is so sweet-mouthed. Is he trying to get anything out of me? i'm SO confused now....coz my roommate told me to stay away from him but my ex-roommate told me to keep going out with him but i have to be careful coz i nv know if he will put something into my drink when i'm not around.

People, give me some suggestions. Coz i don know how to deal with this at all....

My dreams will blossom...

Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 10:53 AM

Click on this image to see the full animation~(it's really funny xD)

So long nv update le.... my blog is like really dead now...LOL....i just got this pic from a random website...haahahhaha....

Oh ya...i jsut changed my major to retail and consumer science.... wish i can graduate asap~ if i can i think i'll do a dual degree with finance...but still must see....

And i'm going to orlando on nov 6th to visit amanda~~ so excited to see her!...hahahha....i'll only be there for 2 days though....i'll be SO busy before I GO BACK NEXT SUMMER...hahahhaha....even if my mum disagrees, i'm still going to go back.... coz it'll be 3 freaking years since i've gone back....i HAVE to go back.... and take a rest from US....hehe.....

okok~ i'll update more next time~ ^6^

My dreams will blossom...

Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 12:28 PM

i just received my new phone today!! hahahha.... so fast....shipped from hongkong~ nice phone and cheap~ i bid it off ebay last week~ bidding is SO intense....LOL....it was the first time i bid and everybody are waiting for the very last 5 seconds to bid!! OMG.... i actually could have got it 3 hours ago but some asshole bid it like the last 2 seconds above mine and got it..... THAT IS SNEAKY.....>< ><

Anyway i got it and it's CHEAP....hehe.... it has all the functions i want and the looks too~ and the silvery pink lining around it will lit up when there's a incoming call~ so nice~hehehhe... but i still need a memory card so i can change my ringtones to my own songs and my wallpaper to something i like.... not 'race car'....><.....OH ....forgot to mention the price...LOL... it's only 56 bucks so it's like 75-80 sing dollars?

Oh ya... 1 more thing to complain about...LOL.... i don't know if it's my telephone company's problem or the signal in my house is weak but i can barely receive calls and call somebody because there's NO SIGNAL!! ARGH.... it's really pissing me off coz it's causing SO MUCH inconvenience.....><>
This coming monday is labor day so we get a day off~~ and tml i'm going to a asian market with my roommate and i'll buy buying a whole lot of snacks and food~ so i'll gain a few pounds this weekend and i'll have to lose them during weekdays...LOL.... okok~ see ya~~

My dreams will blossom...

Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 2:42 PM

First week of school is SUPER tiring..... i'm taking 2 astronomy classes this semester and both seems fun~ hope i can get a good grade out of them... hehe.... i spent 2 days cutting and pasting stuff from the magazines i bought and this is what i got~ xDD... not really nice but whatever....><...did my best anyway~...hahahaha.....i bought this Eee PC TODAY~ it's really small and shiny....i was going to buy the dell one at first but this one's better and nicer....hahahha...i can use my own com in school now~ don need to wait le.....><Our school seriously has too many students!! i heard there are 38000 this semester.....there is NO seats in the student union for us to eat and if you wanna use the computers in the library....it totally depends on luck.....so far i've been lucky..... when i reach, someone stood up.... hahahha.... but to prevent times when i'm not that lucky, i bought this mini~......i can use it as a mirror already....so shiny.... LOL

Oh ya.... 2 bad news today.... i received a letter from our school's admins saying that i HAVE TO declare a major because i'm already junior or else i cannot register for next semester's classes...T_________T how can they force people to decide their future in 1 month??!! this is so ridiculous.....><

And my com crashed 4 times in a row because of a stupid update Microsoft created....WTH.... if they are going to create softwares that crash the com they should stop making new ones....><.... i thought my com was going to go to waste lo..... and i only bought it for 2 months....><>
I'm not used to Windows xp at all and my mini is in XP so i had to ask my roommate for help connecting to the internet....ARGH...why can't they be in Vista? i know vista has some problems but i still would like to use something that's familiar... :P anyways i think i've complained enough~
Hope i can push my GPA up this semester and then decide my major~ God please give me signs! i'm lost!

My dreams will blossom...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 3:35 PM

Nothing much to do these days~ but my lifestyle is SOOO healthy....xDD... cannot be more healthy le.... i sleep at around 11-12pm everyday and i eat fruits everyday...LOL.... i really start to love fruits after i came to US sia... dunno why.... i have to eat grapefruit, apple and strawberries everyday... these 3 are super nice and super good for girls!! i strongly recommend.... hahahaha....

i was so bored on sat that i started playing with my make up...LOL... look at this one... still in pajamas and my closet is damn messy...LOL.... i was wearing brown colour contact lens~ fits perfectly with the dark brown eye shadow~ oh ya... i strongly recommend this BB cream.... SUPER good.... and this dark brown eyeshadow~ a must buy for perfect skin and smokey eyes!!

On sunday i wore grey contact lens....looks really blue when i wear them though...weird.... but i still prefer the brown one...hehe...

Anyways just updating some make up tips~ hahahha....

My dreams will blossom...

Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 10:26 AM

I finished the summer school! hehe.... although fall semester will start in 1 and a half weeks...LOL...

i had such a bad professor for my culture class la... she's so proud that her jap is good( actually she's not good at all. her accent is as strong as typhoon) and she hates people who has better jap than her... our class only had 9 people and i think only 2 got As... we are all supposed to get As one lo.... coz the people who took the same class with a different professor ALL got As... WTH.... anyways... don really care anymore.... i'm trying to go somewhere during this 1 and a half weeks but dunno where to go le...maybe i should go to San Francisco coz my roommate will be going there first before coming back to Tucson for school... not sure sia.... ><><... i only took 3 classes next semester and 1 in another school so the school fees will be cheaper and there is no open class in my school anyway....=.=.... EVERY class is full...all my friends' school fees are 12000+ and i'm like only 9000+...LOL....saved 3000....hehe... Oh ya.... and i should decide my major asap coz i'm already a junior!!!! ><... i wanna graduate next fall!! and i'm SO sick of studying.... just wanna finish it asap...=.=

I made onigiri today! onigiri is just rice with seaweed~ and it's easy to make and tasty! hahaha.... i can make it during weekends and put them in the fridge for weekdays' lunch~ SO convenient...hehe....i should take pics of the ones i made but my cam is out of batt...so i'll update more pics when my cam is charged~ hehe...

Anyways i changed my blogskin coz this one's more easy to access~ hahahaha...i'll updated more when i find something fun~ LOL...

My dreams will blossom...

Monday, July 20, 2009 at 3:23 AM

hihihihi~~ school has started for a week and it is ridiculously fast. And the first few days here were hectic... i almost don have a place to live when i got here coz my plane was delayed and the closing hours for my apartment's office is 5. i reached there like 4.58pm to sign the contract...phew..... then i had to clean the house.... i actually didn't clean the house until just yesterday~ LOL... too busy in the weekdays.... AND most of all, i had to survive 4 days without internet at home... before i had internet finally on wednesday....OMG... i started reading a storybook coz i was too bored...xD... the book was good actually... except the fact that there is a wrong word on the very first page of the book...

ok~ here are my pics that i took in seattle and my new room~ i kinda decorated it a little... i didn't have much time to do it coz i need to clean the whole house and i've got an exam and presentations due tml....T_T... ok... i'll talked too much~ here are the pics~ i took the lake pictures in seattle~ and

Blogger is becoming more and more weird.... i uploaded the pics and all i see is codes before i publish it...i can't even illustrate them...lll....

anyways the pic with my mum is when we went to portland and went to the restaurant El Gaucho... not sure if that's a italian or french restaurant.. but it was crazily ex... i think we spent almost 300 dollars on that meal... but the steak there was SO nice.... so it's worth once in a while to treat ourselves... ^^ and my new room is next~ i like my mirror~ i taped the beads to it...hahahha....

oh ya... and i forgot to mention the last pic... i bought a new laptop bag for my new laptop and it is the foam inside the package... hahahha...i used it to put my earings... i thought they looked really nice and like i was selling them~ LOL....

i've got to do hmk now...=.=...hope i can finish all my school stuff and have a little time to rest...><... see ya~

My dreams will blossom...

Monday, June 29, 2009 at 3:16 AM

finally fixed the song thing...=.=....

i was going to be MIA from fri to sunday and see if my mum will call the cops...LOL...but i didn't have time to book the hotel...=.=.... so the plan failed...=.=....i haven't been living with her for almost a year and now i realize i really can't live with her.... our characters are too different...><... so.... we had a fight yesterday and she smashed the com.... the screen of the com that i'm using now is cracked...LOL...but still can see.... and i think the CD drive doesn't work anymore... that's how violent we are at home...LOL....haiz... so now have to buy new com le... tsk... i could've use the money to go to hawaii~~ argh....

For now, i just want to go back to arizona asap... coz there's nothing to do here! and we quarrel everyday....WTH.... and almost all my friends have either transferred to their university or left for their home country....so it's really freakin boring over here....haiz...

ok~ i've run out of things to write~ LOL...

My dreams will blossom...

Monday, June 15, 2009 at 6:28 AM

SO long nv blog le! LOL.... life in seattle is SO boring....=.= For the past month i've practically done nothing.... i really think i should go somewhere and have fun... ah well.... hehe....

My friend invited me to a party but i need to wear gown.... O.O....OMG....i don even have a dress.... don need say gown le...XD.... see lo.... if my other friends are going then maybe i'll go~

And i cute my hair~~ wow.... i haven cut for so long le.... now i'm in LOVE with short hair!!.... OMG long hair is SO mafan... LOL.... i was playing with my hair after i cut it~hehe.... too bored.... actually i cut it myself at first but i screwed up...LOL.... so i had to go to the salon to get the hair right~

My dreams will blossom...

Monday, May 11, 2009 at 11:59 AM

9.00pm: just refuse to study

I just realised that i haven't been updating for a while and my tagboard is E-M-P-T-Y!!! LOL....

i went to a rock climbing trip 2 weeks ago and i'm glad that i am still alive~ trust me it's not the man-made ones... we went to the real mountains and climbed our shit out of our asses....

1st day- 2 hour drive to our destination. we were told that there are toilets where we camp but when we reached, it was full. So we had to find another place to camp-somewhere with no toilet. It's ok if there is no toilet...but my "good friend" came... it was SO @#$%^&*" xDD and if you do " big business", you need to dig a hole for your shit and cover it up AND BRING THE USED TOILET PAPER BACK... imagine you wiped your ass and you need to put the shit back into your bag and bring it back HOME...LOL.... luckily i could control well and didn't shit for 2 days...LOL... but everything went ok... we had a nice dinner and went to sleep at 8pm....OF COURSE we were not sleepy. LOL... so my friend and i talked until to about 11 or 12 and we went to sleep.

2nd day: we woke up at 6am and ate breakfast. then headed to the place where we are climbing. after we got out of our car, we need to walk to that place. and it was no normal walking. there are NO routes for you to walk at all. All we did was brushing our way through huge cactuses and dried up plants and climbing rocks and jumping down from the rocks... so before we started climbing, we were all full if injuries. When we finally reach, we started climbing and our fingers almost bled. The rocks are SO rough that you feel pain just touching them not even mentioning grabing on to them so hard.

But the worst part was rapalling. I remembered we did rapalling during Sec 3 camp. it was not so scary... But imagine coming down around 20 storeys high... i was the first one and i scared the shit out of me. my friend was next and i think she also spent a VERY LONG time coming down. when she finally touched the ground i asked her how was it, she said she cried. The best part was our next new friend. She was SO scared and when the instructor told her not to put her left hand on the rope, she's like, " SHUT UP!!" and half way down still hanging in the middle valley, she cried and screamed," i really don wanna do this."

it was really a very INTERESTING experience. but i thought i should do something different after being 18. LOL... still can't drink though(WTF)...

3rd day: we went to a different place to climb. but my muscles are too sore from the climbing on the 2nd day, i couldn't reach the top at all.

after i came back, i appreciated the technology that we are enjoying right now~ i love toilet bowl!! xDD

3 more exams and i will be back in seattle by this sat~ then maybe around mid june, i'll go to Orlando, Florida to visit Shuhui and also accompany my friend to miami to look for apartments to stay in coz she just got accepted by a university in miami. then maybe i'll go to Hawaii with my mum~

it's been SO hot here and everyday is more than 38 degrees. for the first time in my whole life, i saw my arm peel skin! OMG... the sun is just too scary

here's the pics for rock climbing~

My dreams will blossom...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 8:05 AM

It's been so long since i last updated! hahahha..... 2 weeks ago, our school held a big fair at a near shopping centre...it's the biggest fair in the nation and it always attracts over 25000 people.... when we went there, the traffic was like HELL.... too many people going there!!! anyways, everything is held by our school students and there are all sorts of games and rides....it was pretty expensive though...><... it's like a smaller disneyland~ i had alot of fun with my friend although we didn't ride on everything...xDD....she didn't like heights....
1 picture while we are going to the fair.... our city is surrounded by mountains~

Ice mountains!!! i was on my way to seattle.. this is taken at Salt Lake City airport.... i got off my first plane and went on the next one IMMEDIATELY.... first time so tight between flights sia.... super dangerous... i was almost going to miss that flight...xDD last to board the plane~....

reached seattle the next day and went shopping with my other friends~ we tried on all the hats and didn't buy them...xDD

This was at a korean restaurant~ there are 4 of us and we ordered so much food that the boss pulled another table for us...xDD... no space sia....

spicy rice cake!! i love it!!! it's my dish~ :P

And purple rice!! hahaha... taste exactly as white rice~

Look at all the food!!! hahahha we took a pic after we ate everything~

2 hours later i had to eat hot pot with my mum....xDD as celebration for her birthday.... i was SO FULL..... almost puked....

we went back home to eat the cake~ i bought the cake at a korean market.... it was so small but costs 23 bucks...>< but it was delicious!!! hahahha
The trip back to seattle is like food. food and food...xDD i have to go rock climbing on the 24th!! OMG.... on the real canyon~ so i really need to start running coz i haven been working out for a year or more....><>

My dreams will blossom...

Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 12:37 PM

Yooooooo~~~~ my spring break is SO boring.... but at least i got my written drive test done~ AT LEAST something done...hahahaha.... this is a new LONG necklace i bought...hahaha... looks ok... i actually wanted a few on the websites but i don wanna wait so long la..... so i just bought it from the mall near my house.... :P

My new sunglasses i bought last Fri~hehehhe...as you can see.... it's so clear it doesn't block much sunlight at all....lll... but i like the style and colour~ xDD

The stuff i ordered on panli.com FINALLY arrived~~ yeahhhh~~~ this is one of the shirts... i got a green and this white one~

I LOVE my new bag!!!! hahahha.... it's WHITE!!!

This was given to me during japanese class coz we were playing some game i think... then we get to choose what we wat.... if youc an read katakana, it says cigarette....hahaha.... it's actually cigarette shaped candy~ so cute~ xDD

See~ look abit like cigar right.... hahahha... when you are eating it, it looks even more like you are smoking...xDD

And my new mouse! didn't look good in this pic... ><.... but it's actually pretty cool coz it's like a sports car and when you move it, it also has red light in the middle~ :P

That's my spring break report~ i just found out that my 5-page essay is not due on this coming tuesday but thursday~ hehe.....not sure about my jap essay though...whatever.....can relax till tml le~~ yeaaaah...hahaha...jya! ^________^

My dreams will blossom...

Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 12:27 PM

wow....so long nv update liao....xDD..... now is SPRING BREAK!! xDD ... but i'm not going anywhere....T_T.... tml i have to go for a 8 hour driving lesson....T_____________________T... 8 hourssss...... but i really wanna get my license done and forget about it...or else my mum will bug me everyday to get my license....

i went to the mall with my friend yesterday since we are too free....xDD i bought a sunglass~ i love my new sunglass~~ hehehehe.... it's purple and yellow lining... so funny lo....hahhahha.... we were so tired after shopping lo.... my leg was aching like hell after i went home.....><

Monday and Tuesday i will be learning how to drive liao~ hope everything goes well and i can get my certificate asap~ actually i get my license also not much use coz i won't buy a car until august i think... and i can't rent a car...so .....NO diff at all....xDD.....

But just to kill time, i'll do it....><....xDD.... i really must find something to do during these 8 days.... or else i will really bore to death....

oh ya!!! did i mention the last time? i found a chinese website where i can buy stuff and they will ship from china to US.... and i found SUPER cheap clothes and bags! all the clothes i bought were below 5 bucks...xDD the most expensive one was ....7 bucks...xDD...so funny... too cheap liao.. but the shipping fee is a little ex... but overall, every item was 10 dollars...xDxD i think the fastest it will reach is next fri~ i'm SO looking forward to it~ ^___________^

Oh ya~ i'm doing well in my jap class and if i did well in that class, it will pull my grades up~ so wish me luck~ ^^....

1 last IMPORTANT announcement.... i think 99.99% i can't go back in may liao.... T__________________________________________________T.............. i knowwwww........because i can't renew my visa here, my mum won't let me go back and renew because if i got rejected, i will never be able to come back to US liao and my Univ studies will be suspended too.... so.... very risky.... T_T.... and i don't know where and how to renew in CHina.... China is too big and dangerous for me....>< ahhhhh...... i'm so depressed.... my ex-roommate was going to renew with me then we can go back together... now our dreams are like SMASHED...T__T what am i going to do for 3 months?! waste time?! somebody save me~~~~~~~~~~

haiz.... shall not continue the sad topic...... i still want to finish my studies asap and then i can go back liao~ but maybe i will take my graduate studies here too.... BUT.... first finish my degree asap~

After i got revoked from the accounting major, i'm right now LOST..... totally lost on what i should do in the future.... should i do music major? education(be teacher)? jap major?ehhhhhh..... i'm so confused.....

anyways i'll end here coz my lesson tml is at 8 am and i need to check in at 7.40am.... the instructor don need sleep is it????!!! lll...... ok la~ will update again on my spring break ~ see ya~ ^^

My dreams will blossom...

Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 1:06 PM

Here's some really interesting stuff i learnt in class. I'm sure you have heard of what is prefixes and suffixes. But in case you don know them, prefixes is repeat , the one in red that comes at the front of the word. And suffixes is relation, the one that's at the back of the word. and the INTERESTING one is infixes~ which occurs in the middle of a word where we only use it for swearing... xDD eg. caliFUCKINGfornia or alaDAMNbama...xDD

Another thing is, the longest word in English-- antidisestablishmentarianism---1 word...hahaha...a real word... i thought it was cool~ coz everybody was like OMG when they see this word..xDD

Classes are going well, so far, all my classes are what i like.... so... easy for me to work hard and study for them...

I'm like SO BORED this weekend...nothing much to do at all....i've watched every single movie that i can download and most of them SUCK...

Anyways, I'll be going to the mall tmr to buy my dad's birthday present then send it to Singapore. Any good recommendations?

My dreams will blossom...

Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 12:05 PM

Happy Valentines Day to all my laopos and everyone!!! xDD Today was pretty fun~ even though no bf....hahaha.... my friends came over to my house and we melt the dark chocolate in whipped cream and dipped strawberries with it.... only 1 word to describe it: DELICIOUS...hahah.... we watched a movie as we ate the strawberries...

Then, we went to a thai restaurant near my house and had a SUPER SPICY dish....hahahha....we deserve it coz when the waiter asked how spicy we want it to be, we said as spicy as you can make it~xDD coz normally the spiciest dishes are not spicy at all... but this one seems 正宗...hahahha.... oh ya...something special about the restaurant was it was very nicely decorated.. and because we are seating by the wall, there are nude drawings and they sell them for $175 US!! After eating, we paid the bill and got roses from the waiter~ xDD so sweet.... he said we can get champagne but we are underage so we can't....T____T....

Anways it was so cold today we were freezing even though we had jackets on.... only around 10 degrees outside.... ><><... anyways it's gonna get warmer so daijyobu~ ^^

Lazy to study even though i have 2 tests on tuesday...i'm just randomly reading stuff off the internet... :P going to bathe later~ so see ya guys~

1 more thing to mention, 1 of my jap sensei suck xDD

My dreams will blossom...

Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 9:27 AM

My whole head is filled with japanese!!! uwaaaa.....><>< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I changed my skin coz it's really getting old.... xDD the new one is just like the weather of my city~ always sunny and cooling~ makes my mood super good everyday~ hehe....Tucson 最高!xDD

最近きずいてた。こっちの人は、全部最低だ。本当に大嫌い!でも、しょうがない、しかたない。lll.... i just need to deal with them....'vomit blood'...they only know how to use people... there is no friendship! everything is fake!! 疲れたー もうしたくない。でも、感慨れば、大丈夫じゃん。きにしなければ、全然かんけんない~hehe~ わかた!!

あ!もう一つ、カンゴク人が大嫌い!xDD 嫌いすぎる~hahahaha.....
I'll just stop here~ will try to update if anything interesting comes up~ ^^ じゃ!

My dreams will blossom...