Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 12:28 PM |
 i just received my new phone today!! hahahha.... so fast....shipped from hongkong~ nice phone and cheap~ i bid it off ebay last week~ bidding is SO intense....LOL....it was the first time i bid and everybody are waiting for the very last 5 seconds to bid!! OMG.... i actually could have got it 3 hours ago but some asshole bid it like the last 2 seconds above mine and got it..... THAT IS SNEAKY.....>< ><
Anyway i got it and it's CHEAP....hehe.... it has all the functions i want and the looks too~ and the silvery pink lining around it will lit up when there's a incoming call~ so nice~hehehhe... but i still need a memory card so i can change my ringtones to my own songs and my wallpaper to something i like.... not 'race car'....><.....OH ....forgot to mention the price...LOL... it's only 56 bucks so it's like 75-80 sing dollars?
Oh ya... 1 more thing to complain about...LOL.... i don't know if it's my telephone company's problem or the signal in my house is weak but i can barely receive calls and call somebody because there's NO SIGNAL!! ARGH.... it's really pissing me off coz it's causing SO MUCH inconvenience.....><> This coming monday is labor day so we get a day off~~ and tml i'm going to a asian market with my roommate and i'll buy buying a whole lot of snacks and food~ so i'll gain a few pounds this weekend and i'll have to lose them during weekdays...LOL.... okok~ see ya~~
My dreams will blossom...