Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 2:42 PM |
First week of school is SUPER tiring..... i'm taking 2 astronomy classes this semester and both seems fun~ hope i can get a good grade out of them... hehe.... i spent 2 days cutting and pasting stuff from the magazines i bought and this is what i got~ xDD... not really nice but whatever....><...did my best anyway~...hahahaha.....i bought this Eee PC TODAY~ it's really small and shiny....i was going to buy the dell one at first but this one's better and nicer....hahahha...i can use my own com in school now~ don need to wait le.....>< Our school seriously has too many students!! i heard there are 38000 this semester.....there is NO seats in the student union for us to eat and if you wanna use the computers in the library....it totally depends on luck.....so far i've been lucky..... when i reach, someone stood up.... hahahha.... but to prevent times when i'm not that lucky, i bought this mini~......i can use it as a mirror already....so shiny.... LOL
Oh ya.... 2 bad news today.... i received a letter from our school's admins saying that i HAVE TO declare a major because i'm already junior or else i cannot register for next semester's classes...T_________T how can they force people to decide their future in 1 month??!! this is so ridiculous.....><
And my com crashed 4 times in a row because of a stupid update Microsoft created....WTH.... if they are going to create softwares that crash the com they should stop making new ones....><.... i thought my com was going to go to waste lo..... and i only bought it for 2 months....><> I'm not used to Windows xp at all and my mini is in XP so i had to ask my roommate for help connecting to the internet....ARGH...why can't they be in Vista? i know vista has some problems but i still would like to use something that's familiar... :P anyways i think i've complained enough~ Hope i can push my GPA up this semester and then decide my major~ God please give me signs! i'm lost!
My dreams will blossom...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 3:35 PM |
Nothing much to do these days~ but my lifestyle is SOOO healthy....xDD... cannot be more healthy le.... i sleep at around 11-12pm everyday and i eat fruits everyday...LOL.... i really start to love fruits after i came to US sia... dunno why.... i have to eat grapefruit, apple and strawberries everyday... these 3 are super nice and super good for girls!! i strongly recommend.... hahahaha.... i was so bored on sat that i started playing with my make up...LOL... look at this one... still in pajamas and my closet is damn messy...LOL.... i was wearing brown colour contact lens~ fits perfectly with the dark brown eye shadow~ oh ya... i strongly recommend this BB cream.... SUPER good.... and this dark brown eyeshadow~ a must buy for perfect skin and smokey eyes!!     On sunday i wore grey contact lens....looks really blue when i wear them though...weird.... but i still prefer the brown one...hehe...  Anyways just updating some make up tips~ hahahha....
My dreams will blossom...
Holidaydayday~ |
Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 10:26 AM |
I finished the summer school! hehe.... although fall semester will start in 1 and a half weeks...LOL...
i had such a bad professor for my culture class la... she's so proud that her jap is good( actually she's not good at all. her accent is as strong as typhoon) and she hates people who has better jap than her... our class only had 9 people and i think only 2 got As... we are all supposed to get As one lo.... coz the people who took the same class with a different professor ALL got As... WTH.... anyways... don really care anymore.... i'm trying to go somewhere during this 1 and a half weeks but dunno where to go le...maybe i should go to San Francisco coz my roommate will be going there first before coming back to Tucson for school... not sure sia.... ><><... i only took 3 classes next semester and 1 in another school so the school fees will be cheaper and there is no open class in my school anyway....=.=.... EVERY class is full...all my friends' school fees are 12000+ and i'm like only 9000+...LOL....saved 3000....hehe... Oh ya.... and i should decide my major asap coz i'm already a junior!!!! ><... i wanna graduate next fall!! and i'm SO sick of studying.... just wanna finish it asap...=.=
I made onigiri today! onigiri is just rice with seaweed~ and it's easy to make and tasty! hahaha.... i can make it during weekends and put them in the fridge for weekdays' lunch~ SO convenient...hehe....i should take pics of the ones i made but my cam is out of batt...so i'll update more pics when my cam is charged~ hehe...
Anyways i changed my blogskin coz this one's more easy to access~ hahahaha...i'll updated more when i find something fun~ LOL...
My dreams will blossom...