Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 12:37 PM |

Yooooooo~~~~ my spring break is SO boring.... but at least i got my written drive test done~ AT LEAST something done...hahahaha.... this is a new LONG necklace i bought...hahaha... looks ok... i actually wanted a few on the websites but i don wanna wait so long la..... so i just bought it from the mall near my house.... :P  My new sunglasses i bought last Fri~hehehhe...as you can see.... it's so clear it doesn't block much sunlight at all....lll... but i like the style and colour~ xDD  The stuff i ordered on panli.com FINALLY arrived~~ yeahhhh~~~ this is one of the shirts... i got a green and this white one~  I LOVE my new bag!!!! hahahha.... it's WHITE!!!
 This was given to me during japanese class coz we were playing some game i think... then we get to choose what we wat.... if youc an read katakana, it says cigarette....hahaha.... it's actually cigarette shaped candy~ so cute~ xDD  See~ look abit like cigar right.... hahahha... when you are eating it, it looks even more like you are smoking...xDD
And my new mouse! didn't look good in this pic... ><.... but it's actually pretty cool coz it's like a sports car and when you move it, it also has red light in the middle~ :P That's my spring break report~ i just found out that my 5-page essay is not due on this coming tuesday but thursday~ hehe.....not sure about my jap essay though...whatever.....can relax till tml le~~ yeaaaah...hahaha...jya! ^________^
My dreams will blossom...
Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 12:27 PM |
wow....so long nv update liao....xDD..... now is SPRING BREAK!! xDD ... but i'm not going anywhere....T_T.... tml i have to go for a 8 hour driving lesson....T_____________________T... 8 hourssss...... but i really wanna get my license done and forget about it...or else my mum will bug me everyday to get my license....
i went to the mall with my friend yesterday since we are too free....xDD i bought a sunglass~ i love my new sunglass~~ hehehehe.... it's purple and yellow lining... so funny lo....hahhahha.... we were so tired after shopping lo.... my leg was aching like hell after i went home.....><
Monday and Tuesday i will be learning how to drive liao~ hope everything goes well and i can get my certificate asap~ actually i get my license also not much use coz i won't buy a car until august i think... and i can't rent a car...so .....NO diff at all....xDD.....
But just to kill time, i'll do it....><....xDD.... i really must find something to do during these 8 days.... or else i will really bore to death....
oh ya!!! did i mention the last time? i found a chinese website where i can buy stuff and they will ship from china to US.... and i found SUPER cheap clothes and bags! all the clothes i bought were below 5 bucks...xDD the most expensive one was ....7 bucks...xDD...so funny... too cheap liao.. but the shipping fee is a little ex... but overall, every item was 10 dollars...xDxD i think the fastest it will reach is next fri~ i'm SO looking forward to it~ ^___________^
Oh ya~ i'm doing well in my jap class and if i did well in that class, it will pull my grades up~ so wish me luck~ ^^....
1 last IMPORTANT announcement.... i think 99.99% i can't go back in may liao.... T__________________________________________________T.............. i knowwwww........because i can't renew my visa here, my mum won't let me go back and renew because if i got rejected, i will never be able to come back to US liao and my Univ studies will be suspended too.... so.... very risky.... T_T.... and i don't know where and how to renew in CHina.... China is too big and dangerous for me....>< ahhhhh...... i'm so depressed.... my ex-roommate was going to renew with me then we can go back together... now our dreams are like SMASHED...T__T what am i going to do for 3 months?! waste time?! somebody save me~~~~~~~~~~
haiz.... shall not continue the sad topic...... i still want to finish my studies asap and then i can go back liao~ but maybe i will take my graduate studies here too.... BUT.... first finish my degree asap~
After i got revoked from the accounting major, i'm right now LOST..... totally lost on what i should do in the future.... should i do music major? education(be teacher)? jap major?ehhhhhh..... i'm so confused.....
anyways i'll end here coz my lesson tml is at 8 am and i need to check in at 7.40am.... the instructor don need sleep is it????!!! lll...... ok la~ will update again on my spring break ~ see ya~ ^^
My dreams will blossom...