Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 9:56 AM |
OH MY GODDDDD................................................ i know there's a big sale here... but a bag for 100++ dollars is really too much! OMGGG my mum actually bought 3 bags at that price!...she must be crazy...... ><><><><><>
 Anyways there are HUGE SALES in US during thanksgiving so i bought a oxygen mask and a sweater~ the oxygen mask was so ex...T_T...i'm so broke.....
that's the cute little dog in my host family's house....she poses for the picture!! as soon as she hears the shutter sound goes off, he turned away~ xDD so cute!!
 The next day I went to my host family's house for thanksgiving dinner and it was DELICIOUS!! i loved the turkey....it was 13 pounds....erm...around 6kg....so big!! and that was considered small coz the normal ones weigh around 10kg....O-O...
Anyways it was fun...but i have 3 exams coming up next week...T_________T have to start studying tmr~ oh ya~ and i will be going to LA after coming back from New York so i think it will be a super fun trip! with lots of spending....T_________T but i can save the food money for the other stuff since shi jie is vegetarian and she won't be eating alot so i might as well just follow her~ hope i can lose a few pounds then~ xDD :P......... that's it...will update soon again~ ^___^
My dreams will blossom...
Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 12:51 PM |
ALOT has happened....since it's been quite a while when i last blogged...lets see... there's my birthday, my school's homecoming, football match with USC(Uni of Southern California), halloween, and lots of parties.... xDD...my fridge still has beer....lll........
First, my birthday----
My birthday cake~~ it looks whole right? actually it's half eaten already....xDD
My korean friend brought a set of cups and plates for me.... it was BEAutiful~...xDD and it sure is ex.... i heard it was 60 USD... and he brought the cake too.... nv seen a guy so nice to all his friends....xD....
 That's my birthday card from my jap friend downstairs~ she such a sweet girl~~ and pretty too~~ see the ribbons and the buttons? they are real... not pic...xDD and she wrote so much stuff inside...i was so touched~  My roommate's card....the flowers are fabric...so you can imagine how beautiful it is...  that's what she bought for me.....the bag is shiny~ i loved it!!!!!!  Justice~~ my bearrrr....hahah... also present from chinese friend~~~ i hug justice when i am sleeping~~  SEE THE BLACK STICK~~~~~~ it ROCKS.....hahaha.....but it is a gauge for your hole so i had a hard time pushing it all the way in.... my whole ear went red after all the pushing.... spent the whole night pushing.... lll....... see, it's still half way....  IT went through~~ finally......... hahaha...........  i carved my own pumpkin~~~~ it's so hard.... you need to cut the top out... and then empty it... then carve the face out...it was fun though~~ my own pumpkin~~  i bought the candles holders~... 4 for onlly 3.99....super cheap.... and they are also fabric designed on the glass~!  Yup...halloween was fun.... and my friend went to the fertility party... in case you don't know what fertility is, it is a club just for partying.... and all the members live together in a big house... there is fertility and sorority though.... fertility is for guys and the other one fore girls.... and my friend went to the fertility party and there are more than 1000 people in the house.... they even hired security guards at the door...LOL.... but i heard it wasn't very fun.... so.... hahah I have to admit my school is a party school, coz we party EVERY week.... that's a little crazy....xD... Oh ya! GOOD NEWS.... i got into my major...PHEW.... so now i just need to pass my classes....whatever......i don care about my grades....as long as i pass....xDD And in case you don know what's homecoming, it's the students who have graduated from our school coming back.... and there is a HUGE parade with all the marching and 50 booths are set up.... and the football match was fun too~~....hahaha.... our school had a huge stadium.... i think it holds more than 50000 people..... so imagine each ticket costs 20 bucks for the match.... WOW... that's big money.... and the tickets are sold out 2 weeks before the match....oh ya... football here is not soccer...it's rugby.... anyways... we were cheering and stuff....got free beer and food when we just talk to random people who are camping outside the stadium... most of them drove from California...so...kinda cool...haha.... Anyways... long post with lots of info...xD... see ya~
My dreams will blossom...