Monday, October 13, 2008 at 8:57 AM |
Party on fri night....only the beginning...haha....in the end there're 8 people....
3 of them taking pics...xDD.....OMG.. my table is so messy...
Me trying to put on make-up on steve...xDD.... it's kinda hard...since he has single eyelid....
He drew himself!! xDD.....so punk...
 My 2009 calendar~ super cute... i bought them from Kinokuniya~  Remember this? xDD.....i use to eat this everyday in YTSS..... i found them in a chinese market...  If you see this in Singapore, BUY THEM... they are super nice....they are instant noodles by the way....LOL....  My new Mp3..... I loved it! it looks like a toy at first though....but i like creative's screen...very clear and nice designed....and it has the speaker too!!.....  These 2 are my friends from China~haha....forced them into my cam... this was taken in seattle, in a chinese restaurant right after i landed in seattle  The toys are SO CUTE!! i found them outside our karaoke shop....  That's my roommate in seattle.... she's very pretty.... but didn't look as good in this pic....  My new T-shirts!! I LOVE THEMMMM  I bought these in a big japanese market... they are D-E-Licious!! even my japanese friends say it's the best....haha....
My dreams will blossom...
I went back to Seattle last Saturday and i bought the tickets like on Friday....xDD....SO SUDDEN.... when i called my friends in seattle that i'm going back on the next day, they're like: wow, so sudden?...xDD
During my 3 days on stay in seattle, i spent ALOT OF MONEY... i brought a empty suitcase to Seattle, when i came back, it was overweight.....there's like 25 kg of food and clothes..... i spent like 700 over bucks----just buying things.......... but i was such a fun trip..... after i landed in seattle, i went straight to downtown and ate lunch with friends then we went for karaoke.... it's been like 4 months since i last saw them.... so it's really nice to see them.... one of my friends lost 10kg! OMG..... i'm the heaviest among them now....T________T...... ok...i'm on diet now~.....
Last night i had a small party.... but the party went from 4 people to 8....and there are korean, chinese, mexican,japanese, and chinese..xDD.... because one of my korean friends is going back to San Diego, so it's kinda a farewell party and my birthday party since all of us are having exams on my birthday.....we were drinking then my friend called her friend, her friend called her friends...xDD.... but it was really fun...... like everybody has so much in common and joke around together... but the most amazing thing was my new japanese friend, she's an exchange student from a university in japan and she's in the same school as Crystal kay!! OMG.... in case you don't know who Crystal Kay is, she is a very good singer in japan and is VERY popular..... she sounds almost like Beyonce.... WOW.... i love her songs!!.... and another guy was american but he stayed in japan for a long time and he speaks like native japanese.... he's also a student in our school and he's also the top chef in a japanese restaurant near our school......one of the japanese baseball star used to called his girlfriend at weird hours...xD......anyways the world is so small....
It was really fun last night.... i didn't get drunk but i was feeling SUPER dizzy.... it's the 3rd time i'm drinking.... so still ok... they brought alot of beer to my house... and now my fridge is filled with alcohol..OMG...how am i going to finish it?! oh ya, and most of them are surprised that i'm only 17 going to 18, coz most of them are like 20, 23 and 25...and there are korean, chinese, mexican,japanese, and chinese...xDD
Oh ya... i lost my USB for my camera so i can only upload the photos when my new USB arrives... and my new Mp3 arrived yesterday...LOL...it was so cute...everyone at the party was playing with it....my new laptop will arrive on Monday~ xDD....i should really stop buying....
And GOOD NEWS....i got admitted to my major....i am so worried that i'll get rejected.... ARGH.... our school is so troublesome.... for business majors, you still need to apply into your major... and they only take 80% of the students each semester.... and you can only apply 2 times.....anyway,our shcool's business programs are ranked 15th in whole US so... that's what i've expected.... for those of you studying optical science, you should come to my school!! coz it's 1st in US.... entrepreneurship is ranked 4th though.... i'm so lucky that i got admitted to such a good school...xDD.... but our school is also the top party schools in US...LOL.... with all the bars and strip clubs NEAR THE SCHOOL........ there's really nothing to do here in Tucson except party and studying... there's no karaoke.... and only 3 big shopping malls....
i'll stop here then~...tests are coming up and i have a bunch of homework to do....see ya~~
My dreams will blossom...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 10:48 AM |
Last week was D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R!!!!!!!!!!!! i had 5 exams last week and a interview regarding my application to my accounting major to my business school....T_______T......i'm already admitted to business school but then still have to apply, interview and do assesment before getting into my major.... somemore if fail 2 times then cannot apply again le!! siao.....
It was horrible lo.... i slept like 4 hours everyday last week... coz all the materials i nv read at all....so have to read all of them once before going for the exam........tsk tsk....the only solution is to burn midnight oil la....
My interview and assessment was on Sat.... when i finally finish, i called my friend....coz we planned to go to a bar since she wants to drink and also relax for a while coz we finished so many exams...Btw, to drink liquor in the US, u need to be 21 and over....and of course neither of us is 21 but the other 2 korean guys are 25. So when we went to the bar near my house at around 9, and one of the guys went to buy the drinks....but i wasn't sure what i wanted to drink so i went with him... and the bartender saw me.... when he ordered as i went back to our seat, the bartender asked who is the drink for and he said it's for him, and then the bartender said he knows it's for me... and he don't want to catch me drinking or else we will be kicked out....lll... so of course he only bought regular beer and i secretly had a sip.... but one of the shop attendants saw me and came and check my ID.....WTH...... he warned me and we went to the guys house to drink....LOL.......
i had 4 bottles that night....and i got REAL dizzy....but i'm 100% conscious...just super dizzy and my head feels so heavy!.. we had a bunch of games that night and it was really fun...LOL.... i reached home at 3 and woke up like 12 the next day.... i haven't been sleeping late since school started..so when woke up and saw the clock, i was damn shocked....xDD
here's a interesting fact about US: cars are more than the population here....LOL....coz cars are so cheap over here...and anyone can take credit to buy a new car...over here in my city, used cars are only 3000 or 4000 and in good condition....new cars are around 10000+ to 20000+....damn cheap la.... so in a family of 3, the father may have 2 cars, 1 for work and 1 for home outings, the mother will have a car, and the kid will have another car.........and in most of the houses i see, there's always 2 or 3 cars parked outside the house...LOL....
As you all know, the economy here is getting worse and worse, wall street crashed, oil prices are rocketing, and nobody wanna buy anything anymore...... even the bank and the largest insurance company in the world went bankrupt....tsk tsk.....yet the election is still going on..... weird huh.... i even received navy and voting letters..... telling me to vote for them, saying" make the right choice".....=_=lll...........u made the wrong choice man.......
i'm not feeling very well this week....got a little sore throat and cold....probably because of the lack of sleep....haiz.... feel so stressed up, there's another quiz and project due on thursday....OMGGG...........they are never ending!!! and in 21 more days, my brithday will be here....and guess what, i have 2 exams right on my birthday and 2 after the week of it...T___T.... how am i going to celebrate it with all the exams coming up????i don want my 18th birthday to be spent with test papers!!!!!!!! WTFFFF........
Ok la... think i wrote alot le....LOL.....jya na~
My dreams will blossom...