Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 1:23 PM |
First week of school=SHOCK! Actually when i'm registering my classes before the start of school, i see 'available seats--538' i'm like u're kidding...there's no way that 538 students can squeeze into 1 class...there's simply not a class that's big enough to hold so many students!! when i went for my first lesson, i believed it...it's a miracle!! OMG... and even though there are already 538 students in that class, there are still a bunch of students trying to get in and overload.... the waitinglist itself is LONG..........so there are like 20 students standing at the back of the class listening to lecture...LOL...poor guys....
Anyways that class of 538 is Classical Mythology.... my other 2 classes(Econ and MIS) are 400 each and the last one(accounting) is around 250 maybe? i'm not sure.... My mythology class was horrible....i couldn't understand a thing that the professor said....LOL...it's actually because i don't know who she is talking about...coz she is naming all the gods and stuff.......i thought it was pretty interesting at first...that's why i took it.... BUT unfortunately, the professor is boring as HELL.... even though she look american, she doesn't speak like one! she breaks up all her sentences into so many parts!...that's why her lecture seems SO LONGGG......her lesson is 50 mins and at the 20th minute, everyone starts fidgeting...and at the 35th minute, i can barely hear her talk coz the fidgeting of the 500 over people is too loud.... and at the 45th minute, all i can hear is zipping sounds(coz people are already packing their stuff) and some people are already leaving the lecture threatre.... and i with most people, left at the 47th minute where she's still talking but everyone has headed for the door...apparently, i'm not concentrating in what she teaches but my surroundings..LOL...coz she's just too boring! anyways i'm having her lesson on Mon,Wed,&Fri, so by wednesday, there are only 80 percent of the students i see present....
My other classes were fine...lectures are interesting, and my MIS professor is abviously irresponsible...to me at least...coz compared to the teachers in Singapore, being a professor here is like being in heaven! they don't need to grade assignments, they don't need to grade the exams, all they do is teach.... the teaching assistants does all the grading( we call them TAs)....and sometimes, even the TAs do the teaching... wow....imagine how much they get a month to be a professor and how little work they do... but i think it's reasonable to have TAs coz the professors don't have 1 class, they have like 5sections(classes) which makes up to 2000 over students each semester that they need to teach........and not all of them give all the work to the TAs....so it's still ok...oh ya,one more thing to mention, most of the teaching assistants are graduate students or masters students....and most of them major in what they assist in....
So the first week is like chaos and i have a online quiz due tomorrow...T______T...do they have to do this to us in the 1st week?! and the books are ridiculously expensive.... all my books for the 4 classes add up to 400 bucks....i'm officially broke...and guess how much i pay for a semester?( a semester is 4 months)....hehe....USD$10152.06~......so guys, if u didn't receive ur brithday present from me, DON'T BLAME ME!! BLAME THE SCHOOL!! LOL....i'll give it to u next year....anyways the shipping fee itself is 50 over bucks...cost more than the present...xDD...so next year~
I know i've written a whole chunk of complains and i shall stop here....xDD.... to be continued.
My dreams will blossom...
Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 10:58 AM |
The first day of orientation isn't that scary at all! i thought i need to take placement tests and in the end, i don't need~ YES... xDD...
My friend went to Washington State University and it is as big as a town... mine is considered small~ but i did get lost today while finding the room of orientation(in a single building...xDD too many rooms) honestly speaking, i'm so surprised when i received the admissions package. coz my results simply sucked! maybe they looked only at my maths scores..kinda pulled me up... :P anyways... everything is according to my plan.... nothing is delayed! YES....
I hope to graduate from my Bachelor's then do my graduate studies and hopefully do a double major...PS: i can't imagine doing accounting for the rest of my life.... Humans need new things...xD...
Well, unlike my previous college( Green RIver Community College)... today's international orientation is totally different... there are students from AROUND the world... let me see... there are the ones from England, Australia,Austria,India,Russia,China(alot), koreans, japanese, vietnamese,taiwanese,German,Egypt,oh ya there's only 1 from Malaysia! and none from Singapore...T_T... there are alot of other countries from Europe which i don't even know how to spell the names and others are from the middle east countries...i was like WOW....coz in my community college, there are only the asians as international students....so it was a pretty significant scene today.... some of them are exchange students who are only going to stay for 2 semesters, some are sponsored by their governement, some are scholars taking scholarships(duhh)xDD...most of the others are transfer students like me.... complete a AA degree then transfer our credits to the university...hehe... then we only need another 2-3 years to finish our bachelor's... Cheap and short...LOL...
Oh and i got to know another girl from Hongkong today... she was studying in another community college in Seattle... her korean friend in the college was proposed from a guy from taiwan and she left... to get married...xDD...surprising la....somemore she left only 3 lessons and a final exam to finish the course for that semester.... i heard that course started out with 40 people..... after 2 semesters... only 5 was left...LOL.... all failed or dropped that class....
Anyways i'm so glad i don't need to take anymore math or english lessons...and most of all the placement tests! i will die if i took those,coz i forgot EVERYTHING.. i mean EVERYTHING... so they better not let me take any math classes...or else i will fail them all...xDD....seems like i've written a whole chunk... hehe..i shall stop here... if any new comes up, i'll update~ see ya~
My dreams will blossom...