Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 9:55 PM |
砕けて舞い落ちる 花びらに重ねてる 真実なんてないの? だれにも潜む 仮面の裏 信じていたのに ずっと 出口はどこにある? 埋もれてく 渦の中 何も知らない頃は ああ今よりも 強かったのに 臆病になった? Where can I find the truth? All my sorrows Hold me down… そうして生きている( And i'm still alive) I love this song!! actually i only understand the last part.. xDD...honestly speaking i really have nothing to blog lo....i'm sooooooooo bored....in a few days time, i will be bored to death....can the orientation start earlier??? WTH... I'm just surfing the net EVERYDAY.....だめ!!i must find something to do! right now i'm like so hungry.... but all my bowls are dirty~ didn't even bother to clean them...LOL...and pizzahut and dominos are not open until 11 and 12....T__________T...and i have run out of instant noodles....T_________________T guess i've got no choice but to wash and cook~ before i starve to death~....じゃね~
My dreams will blossom...
Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 11:44 AM |
Konnichiwa! I reached Arizona on the 3rd of July...the apartment i rented was pretty good...that's what i thought at first...coz it's all furnished and i don't need to buy any furniture which saves me a lot of money...but then as i have told u it's desert here, i thought without a air-conditioner is like impossible to live here but of course, i have one in my apartment..but then...after 3 days of air-con at full blast, my apartment's temperature was still between 29-33 degrees...that was really hell for me... on sunday, i really cannot tahan and called the emergency maintainence...and they fixed it....in the end, the reason why it was not cold was because the big thing that regulates the air did not have the lid on...coz they took it for another apartment....WTF lo.... so all the cold was kept in the machine and the engine frozed...lll.....
Anyways i then realize how broken the house is....the floor squeaks(is that how u spell that?),the bathroom sink was not working very well coz the water doesn't go down fast enough, so if u are running the water while brushing ur teeth, the water is gonna stay there for a while before it goes down... and the bed that was in the bedroom was HORRIBLE...i can't even sleep coz the coils inside were all rusted and squeaking!...i went to buy a proper mattress the next day..
then on monday, i went to school to pick up my I-20(sort of identification that proves u are studying in the school for how many years and enable u to stay in te country even if ur visa expires)..but the customer service said it was sent to my old apartment in another state! wa lao! so now i need to wait for at least 2 weeks to see if my I-20 was sent back to the post office and then sent here....lll....this is SO troublesome....but the school is REALLY big...actually all unis here are very big...the one my friend went was located in a city...actually, the city is the Uni...the shops are located in the Uni....that's so cool..xDD...but that Uni was so so...
Anyways, i keep receiving mails from Indiana U which i was admitted but needed bank statement before they send me the admission certificate...i think they already sent me the certificate...so if i really receive it, i may go to Indiana instead...since it's a better U and it's business programs are top 10 in the nation...xD
So finally my air-con is working...on the next day, i tried to save some electricity...so i off it and went out to buy some necessities...when i came back, it was blowing hot air again! ARGH...i called them again and somehow, it was back to normal again... finally SAVED...LOL...
Honestly speaking, the first three days was like hell...coz it's so hot outside and stuffy inside...i'm definitely moving after my contract ends, which is 6 months from now...lll...but GOOD NEWS....i'm going to renew my visa here and there is a 99.99% chance that i'm going back during mid may next year....i know it's still quite a long time away but for me, i only have 2 semesters to go through and i'll be on my trip back! yeahhh.... hope by then we are still in contact and not lose track of anyone!
I haven't been sleeping well since i got here coz i need to settle ALOT of things, stuff like changing my address at the post office, buying necessities, calling the utilities to ask for the refund or pay my bill...and TONS of other stuff....i finally got to rest today and my mum was like lets go shopping! i was like...what?! at 38 degrees?! oh, forgot to mention, my mother came with me here to help me settle things here... actually, she didn't settle anything at all, I was the one who's doing everything...since she can't speak english...and we had a quarrel today coz i was unwilling to go outside and she went out by herself...lll....she hasn't come back yet...bet she's in a pub or something.... but WOW i wrote alot...ok...Jya! i'll go take some pics here and post it here...^^
My dreams will blossom...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 6:08 AM |
Time to update~~~ hehe... erm.. alot has been happening during these 10 days....
1. I got accepted by Indiana University too!! wow~~ i didn't know that my low score can get me into IU too. xD but anyways, i've booked the air ticket and apartment in Arizona so i can't change. But, the problem is it's 40 degrees there!!!!! OMG..... i don't think i can stand it coz recently, it's 32 degrees here and i'm already burning. lll........
2. I went to a Homosexual parade yesterday. It was HUGE!!!!! Coz people from all over the US come here for the Gay and lesbians parade...wow...it's like a huge fun-fair... there are thousands of people...and because of the hot weather, you can see many guys without shirts and girls wearing bikinis... another good thing in US is that no matter how fat you are, you can still wear the clothes you like... they don't care at all.... so even if i'm like a pig now, i still wears round neck t-shirts......Anyways, the parade was so fun, there are lots of stalls selling food and drinks and a big fountain at the middle of the whole place... it looks abit like Sentosa fountain...LOL....and people are dancing under the fountain....
3. After we finish enjoying the parade, we went to wait for the bus....then suddenly, it started raining bird shit...LOL LOL....my friend got bombed at her hair...i didn't get it coz i avoided it...but because of the tall height it was falling from, even though it did not hit me, some of it was splashed onto my feet.....><....DISGUSTING.......
4. SO~~~ my flight to arizona is on this thursday.....honestly speaking, i'm really excited about it..
5. I'm pretty sure i will get VERY DARK coz hello~ it's a desert i'm going~~ but i've to make sure i don't get burnt..... i hope i can make some american friends there....
Oh ya!! one more thing!! On saturday night, when i went out with my mother for dinner and some groceries, we saw an accident on our way back!! it was SO serious! one sports car was hit and the left side of the car was dented...think the driver didn't survive..BUT THEN, we saw another car already flipped to the side of the road. the whole are was flipped over... that was so shocking... the whole bus's passengers stood up and looked...
Well, gas prices are raising like hell and roads are that unsafe, i am much more discouraged to get a car... but there is a common saying, if you don't have a car in the US, you are like without legs...LOL....anyways..gtg...jya!
My dreams will blossom...