Sunday, April 29, 2007 at 9:57 AM |
I now have 20 wives!! hehe...let me introduce you to them...
The 19th one is called Kou Yao...she is too kind to be said...haha...because she has always wanted to donate blood,and she has been planning this for two years...coincidentally, there is an activity in our school that needs people to donate blood...so she went happily but they said she couldn't because she is not 18 yet...but her birthday is only 8 days away...and they still didn't permit her to donate...haiz...she was so depressed and when she saw me, she came and hug me...then i was like its ok what...why donate blood? THEN, she said," its not ok! i'm even planning to donate the bone thingy to save the cancer patients on my 20th birthday !" i was like OMG...haha...very kind right?
The 20th is called Cindy...she is very out-going and RICH...haha...today we went to the Supermall( like the big shopping centre in Singapore) and she bought a whole new set of clothes and two pairs of shoes...and she spent over 50 US dollars...OMG...haha...
Actually, i also spent alot today because i bought a pair of shoes(pumps) and two pairs of earings and ate a whole lot of food...so i spent 40 dollars...hehe...
And last but not least, to end this entry, I HAVE NO BOYFRIEND...haha...
My dreams will blossom...
Friday, April 27, 2007 at 3:31 AM |
Today will be a very busy day for me... because i need to rush out my essay and study for my music test which is tomorrow... BUT i quite happy because my english teacher says that my summary is quite well written and i got a 3.7 for it!(its upon 4) YEAH!!!!!! AND tomorrow, i don't have math class so i'm free to go at 11am! And that means i can just go to school for two hours and go home! HAHAHA... AND furthermore, i can just finish my short summary for my reading class at school and i'm free for the whole weekend!!!
So in order not to lose to you guys, i'm definitely going to find restaurants that has delicious Asian food and watch the newest movie...i'm gonna check out if the pirates of the carribean is out...HAHAHA...
Ok la...enough of the competition...haha...time has gone by real fast...and i've been here for a month....I really miss Singapore...especially these days when i'm brainstorming for the points for my comparison and contrast essay which compares china and Singapore's education sysytem and the teachers', students' and parents roles in the primary, secondary and college schools...i really miss schooling with you guys and i really feel like an adult here because all my classmates are either already 18 or 20 years old...i've had this classmate from my reading class and he is middle-aged...and when they talk about driving and cars, i'm totally out of the topic and totally out of their conversation! Plus, the students always smokes and you can smell smoke everywhere...except the class areas...haiz...i think this is university life...
And there are three things that i don't like about here...First is of course the smoking...coz i really can't stand the smoke... And secondly, its the weather...its really cold! but at home its nice and warm...so when i'm wearing T-shirt at home, it feels like being in air-conditioned room...Thirdly, i hate some of the IESL students here...( those who are studying only english because they are weak at it...)they are already weak in english and they still kept on speaking their own naitve language...Furthermore, they chat loudly in the library when i was rushing my essay...and that's why i'm sooo irritated... FURTHERMORE those guys talking are already sooo ugly, they still wanna wear like rock star...ARGH!! i really can't stand them...
Ok...haha..enough of venting frustrations...i've got a class now... later~ (^_^)
My dreams will blossom...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 5:50 AM |
He is not my boyfriend!! Don't anyhow say ok...haha...but i was talking to him about Kung Fu because he has learned it before and he is really interested in Kung Fu...then we talked about Jacky Chan and Jack Lee... and all that kind of stuff...haha...
Tomorrow i'm having a Math test...T_T its like an exam...haiz....so later i'll have to go and study and do all the practice problems...And i still have English homework to do! Except the homework from the textbook, i have a 1200-1500 words comparison and contrast essay to write! OMG...
I really don't have anything to write because my life is damn boring... we don't have large shopping centres, coffee shops or convenience shop near us...so everyday is like school and home...nothing else...T_T
But the good thing about schooling here is that you can leave the class just like that...there's no need for you to ask the teacher for permission to the restroom...and if you feel like going home, you cna just go...nobody is going to stop you...haha...there was once when one guy just walks into the class and hands in his assignment and walked out of the class...haha...good right...
For my music lesson, which is about American popular music, we were watching movies these days...and it was fun! haha... So jealous?? hehe...although i don't have the food, i have the leisure...HAHAHA...
My dreams will blossom...
Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 3:37 AM |
Yeah!!!!! i got my laptop back...HAHAHA...
I was so angry when she took away my wire...she even put the wire at her boss's house!....RAW...so i didn't talk to her for three days...then today, when she was going to the toilet, i sneak into her room and searched through her clothings to see if she had brought back the wire...and she did! so i quickly took the wire and went back to my room...and locked my door...hahaha....
I think she pa le wo...so even though she knew i took back my wire, she didn't say anything and told me to go and have my lunch when she finished cooking...HAHAHA.. I WIN!!
Actually, i was thinking of going downtown and buy a whole lot of things back and waste money for her to see if she don give back my wire...haha...but then now, i just wanna stay at home and use my com...haha...but a little punishment still must be enforced...because she didn't give me back willingly...so i'm thinking of eating a great big meal today...(^___^)
Coming to think of it, she is really too much lo...coz i've finished all my homework and learned all the test that i'm supposed to learn...she still don't allow me to use my com...then what am i going to do? stare at the wall meh?
Nevermind...i have to lock my com at my suit case when i'm not using it...in case she took it away again...Haha...
My dreams will blossom...
Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 12:12 PM |
Today is a surprising day for me!!
First, i found out that my english 100 teacher lives just 4 mins distance away from me! that's because Mr Galmish(my teacher) walked past me when i was walking home today and the funny thing is, he was carrying a strange bag on his head just like the African women carrying vases of water...haha...
Secondly, i was on time for my 7-9pm lesson! haha...and my teacher was late! actually she was not late... because after we waited until 7.15pm, and everybody went home! because there is a rule that if the teacher is not present after 15 minutes, we are free to leave! so no lesson for me! YEAH!!!haha...
And the most shocking thing is, while we were waiting for the teacher, i had a little chat with the guy sitting beside me and i found out that his birthday is also on October 21st! Such a coincidence! haha...
Well, gtg... she is nagging me again...T_______T....
My dreams will blossom...
Monday, April 16, 2007 at 4:36 AM |

 This is my room....haha...it's quite messy because i'm just lazy to clean and arrange...haha...the one on top is the front...the one at the bottom is the back where i hang all my clothes...i wanna change the curtains because i think its ugly...haha...but nvm...i'm leaving in a year's time...so it would be a waste to decorate so much... Today is such a bad day...my mother is at home and she is soooo unreasonable! it's really a fact that she is here to torture me lo... i have finished all my homework and i just wanted to watch some drama series on crunchyroll.com and she said that i am always watching...T_____T but if i don watch what am i going to do?? i have no tests and homework and she said that even if i'm watching drama, i should use the televion to watch...so that my english will improve...T______T ... somemore there's nothing to watch on the TV lo...they are news and discovery programmes...even their jokes are lame...T_Tshe expect me to study 24 hours a day?? i really can't stand her...i think i' going to leave all my homework to Saturdays and Sundays and watch during week days when she is not at home...so that i can avoid all her nagging and scoldings... ARGH!!!!!!!! why does she want to come to USA????
My dreams will blossom...
Friday, April 13, 2007 at 2:36 PM |
Bad Day!
Today is soooo damn unlucky....i was in the library when i found out that there are pianos that i can practice on...so i decided that after my math lesson, i'm gonna go home and put my bag and bring my piano book there to practice before going to the supermarket and the bank...
So after my lesson, i went home THEN i accidently locked the key inside my room !!! ARGH!!!!! So i had no choice but to call the landlord(who is currently in Bangkok) hours later when he has woken up...haha...
So i went out and when i came back, the landlord's phone could not get through! ARGH!!! And all my books and notes are in the room and i have a test tomorrow! T___________T... so i had to flip thought the yellow pages and find a locksmith...in the end, the locksmith took only 15 seconds to open it and he charged me $117!!!! What the...
It was really a bad day...the worst day i've ever had...haiz...its funny though, with a lucky and unlucky day right beside each other...haha...
My dreams will blossom...
Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 3:06 PM |
Lucky Day!
When i went to my music class, it said that it was cancelled! HAHAHA....i was so happy...then i went to do my summary...T______T...longest in the whole universe...T____T...and there was soo many words that i don't understand...Btw, the article that i'm supposed to summarize is 'Hollywood's Three Biggest Lies"...who the hell will care what lies they tell??!! haiz...but nevermind...so i went to get a dictionary...and it was HUGE...haha...but the stupid thing is when you want to find the meaning and understand the word,the explanantion seems more difficult to understand because more unfamiliar words pop out...so in the end, you'll end up checking alot of words that is primarily not in the passage...haiz...but nevermind...at least i could earn more vocabulary words...
So i went for my math class then went back to the library to finish the summary...it took me 4 1/2 hours to complete it!Omg...haha...so i had to rush back home and grab my reading textbook and two slices of bread and rush out of the house for my reading lesson at 7 pm... but it was lucky because our teacher has a plane to catch( and she don't even know where she's heading!)...haha...we were free to go at 8.10 which the lesson is supposed to end at 9pm...
So it was quite a lucky day though...haha...
My dreams will blossom...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 3:40 AM |
No...its not what i told chermaine...actually it was that a letter is sent to my house in Singapore saying that i can go and apply for my PR...T____T ...provided that i'm still studying there...but i'm already here!...haiz....but nevermind...because it did not make any difference from the contract that i have to sign if i study poly there...which means that i still have to sign a contract and work for three years...just that i can get my PR faster instead of three years later when i finish my poly...And actually i thought of maybe i can go back to Singapore for a week so that i could secure my PR then have a meeting with you all...but now, it seems that i can't make it...because then i would have to stay there and give up the studies here...lol...
Temperature has dropped again! T____T...it is really cold here...because yesterday it rained and that caused the temperature to drop...haiz....but luckily its sunny today..lol...so its kind of weird...where its sunny and you feel cold at the same time...haha...maybe i'm too used to the weather back in Singapore...
Just this morning, i went for an appointment with my advisor-Sarah...She was sooo nice and sweet...lol...and we planned my schedule for the next year...on what i'm going to take...And i am going to take Japanese this winter! which is december...haha...so excited....i have a japanese friend in my music class too...she is really sweet...And i'm going to take Astonomy and pshychology(how to spell that?)...haha...i'm really excited and curious! lol...
Got to go now...i'm having a lesson in 5 minutes time and we are having a quizz!(which means a test) T_____T...wish me luck...
My dreams will blossom...
Thursday, April 5, 2007 at 2:21 PM |

School has started! T____T... haiz... but it was quite relaxing than i thought...haha...and also quite relaxing compared to Singapore school life...I will have 3 lessons everyday... One English lesson from morning 10-11 then a music lesson on American Pop Music from 11-12...then i will go for lunch until 1 when i will have my math lesson until 2... For Mondays and Wednesday, i will have Reading night classes from 7-9.30pm...but for the other days, math will be my last lesson! hehe... actually, the education system here is totally different...i think this is somewhat like University life...because everyone will have different classes and you have to sign up for your own classes and if you are on waitinglist(like me who is on waitinglist for math classes), which means the class is full and alot of people has signed up for this class,you will have to go and see the instructor to let you into that class... So for now, i'm in the math class already... Actually,i am the hard-working one...because one of my classmates has only one lesson or that day and she can go home! Sooo good...haha...but of course, she will finish slower than me bacause her credits will be lesser than me for each quater(3 months). For us, we have to sign up the classes that is required for business...and each suject will worth an amount of credits and you have to have at least 90 credits to finish this first two year's syllabus in college...So for me, for this quarter, i have 20 credits(4 subjects)..and at this rate, i am able to graduate in next year's june then break for three months when i will transfer to the Univerity of Washington or other Universities... The classes were relaxing because its like chatting sessions for the teacher and the students...So one hour is easy to pass by... and for the night class, it was supposed to end at 9.30pm, but we can go at 8.12pm! I was so shocked...but that's only for the first two lessons...that means this week, the two lessons were real short! haha... My music teacher was really the Ang Mo version of Mdm Lei... In fact, i think he is 10 times faster than Mdm Lei ! i was so amazed at the speed that he is talking...haha...In our music class, there are only 5 Asians...all the others are Americans! Phew! i was a littled startled when i first came to that class...Oh yeah! One thing that i did not mention...the lesson is usually 50 minutes...because teachers will give you 10 minutes grant to walk to your next class which can be blocks away...So its really not as stressful as Singapore school life where the next teacher will make full use of the whole hour and the next teacher be waiting outside your classroom once the time is up...haha... For math lesson, i find it quite challenging...because we were supposed to know how to plot a graph using a calculator...and the terms used are very different from Singapore...maybe its because Singapore is English style of teaching while here is the American style of teaching... I've just taken my Reading test and it was sooo hard! (Btw, reading lessons are actually english lessons) we had to do 80 vocabulary questions in 15 minutes! Siao! of course i didn't finish...haha...Comprehension too! We had to read three passages and answer 33 questions in 20 minutes! I was like,' Are you crazy?' haha....So each question cannot exceed a minute and i still haven't count the time needed to read the passages! OMG...haha... If you are wondering why is there a such a cute dog picture,haha...its actually my file...cute right?! haha...i've got so much to write... but i'll just call it for the day...haha..since i've already written so much...lol.
My dreams will blossom...
Monday, April 2, 2007 at 3:50 AM |

That's the sakura flowers...beautiful isn't it? I have that right beside my house...haha...Right just now, its raining ice! I was sooo shocked! OMG...haha... its actually small round shaped ice... School will reopen tomorrow and i really don't wanna go... T_____T...haha... the classes here are really more relaxed...because normally students only take up three subjects...that's few right?haha... i'm gonna take four... so that i can finish faster and can go to university and finish my degree faster too...haha... I went downtown yesterday and we bought some clothes and a shoe for me... because the shoe that i'm wearing is not warm enough and when i only walk for 10 minutes, my whole feet are numb! haha... then before going back home, we went to taste the Mcdonalds'... and it taste like Burger King... just that it's nicer than Burger King...haha... Got to go now...haha...
My dreams will blossom...